A talk with IIEP researcher: Muriel Poisson on open government in education
The latest addition to IIEP’s series on Ethics and Corruption in Education is here! The new book, prepared under the guidance of Muriel Poisson, IIEP Programme Specialist, is the first in a new research project on open government in education. The book combines an in-depth conceptual overview with an initial analysis of projects already in place worldwide.
Redefining citizen-government boundaries: open government in education
Citizen participation has become an integral part of national and international anti-corruption programmes.
Integrity and transparency in education in Bangladesh
Representatives from the education and health sectors, and donor agencies working in both sectors in Bangladesh, expressed genuine determination to address corruption at the three-day workshop on Strengthening integrity and transparency in the education and health sectors in Bangladesh, held in Savar, Bangladesh from 31 March to 2 April 2014.
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