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IIEP panel on open school data at the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)
On December 3, as part of the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), IIEP organized a panel on “Open School Data for SDG: Does It Help Reduce Corruption in Education?” The session registered over 100 participants from countries across the world, including Brazil, Georgia, Romania, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Germany, Singapore, and France, among others.
Redefining citizen-government boundaries: open government in education
Citizen participation has become an integral part of national and international anti-corruption programmes.
New online course on transparency and anti-corruption
IIEP will organize a new online course on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education” from 21 September to 6 November 2020.
Promoting accountability through information: how open school data can help
Six case studies from Asia and the Pacific look at how open school data can create a more transparent and accountable education system.
New IIEP publication explores using school report cards to improve transparency
IIEP is pleased to announce its latest publication Promoting Transparency through Information: A Global Review of School Report Cards by Xuejiao Joy Cheng and Kurt Moses from FHI 360.
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