Lao PDR writes its teachers' code of conduct
Lao People’s Democratic Republic moved quickly on the development of a national code of conduct for its eight categories of teachers. Launched in mid-2012, the project now enters its final stage: a draft code is ready to be sent for comments to relevant stakeholders, and will then be piloted in a few schools, before being finalized in 2013.
Integrity and transparency in education in Bangladesh
Representatives from the education and health sectors, and donor agencies working in both sectors in Bangladesh, expressed genuine determination to address corruption at the three-day workshop on Strengthening integrity and transparency in the education and health sectors in Bangladesh, held in Savar, Bangladesh from 31 March to 2 April 2014.
Transparency and fight against corruption in education in DRC
IIEP led a workshop in Kisantu (Bas-Congo), from 12 to 14 November 2014 on “Transparency and accountability in the education sector of the Democratic Republic of Congo” (DRC).
IIEP contributes to G20 debates on corruption
The fight against corruption was featured high on the G20 agenda in Brisbane (15-16 November 2014). “High-level principles on corruption and growth” were discussed by the Anti-Corruption Working Group, which was established in 2010 “in recognition of the significant impact of corruption on economic growth, trade and development”.
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