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  • Foto de grupo del Foro Internacional sobre Políticas Educativas del IIEP, en Manila, Filipinas, 2018.

    10 ways to promote transparency and accountability in education


    Open school data can foster accountability and combat corruption in education, but only when it is used effectively and any malpractice is addressed with clear consequence. Researchers and national policy-makers attending an International Policy Forum in Manila, organized by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and the Department of Education in the Philippines, underscored this as they discussed open data initiatives from around the world.

  • International Policy Forum puts the spotlight on using open school data to combat corruption


    An upcoming IIEP International Policy Forum in Manila organized with the Department of Education in the Philippines will look at Using Open School Data to Improve Transparency and Accountability in Education.

  • CIES panel: how can open data be used to improve transparency and fight against corruption in education?


    In recent years, countries as different as Kenya, Mexico and the Philippines have witnessed increased activity in access to information initiatives and calls for more transparent and accountable governments. The development of technology centers, along with social movements demanding the right to information, have indeed encouraged an array of activities responding to calls for access to information.

  • New IIEP publication explores using school report cards to improve transparency


    IIEP is pleased to announce its latest publication Promoting Transparency through Information: A Global Review of School Report Cards by Xuejiao Joy Cheng and Kurt Moses from FHI 360.

  • Transparency International Global Corruption Report on education


    Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realising the right to education and to reaching global development goals. Corruption not only distorts access to education but affects the quality of education and the reliability of research findings.

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