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1-7 of 7 results

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in schools undermines children's education

    Congo DR


    Esther Ndalafina - Radio Okapi

    Corruption affects all aspects of educational planning and management. This includes the financing of schools, the recruitment, promotion and appointment of teachers, the construction of school buildings, the purchase and distribution of equipment and textbooks, and access to university. Corruption restricts access to education at all levels, from pre-school to university. It hinders the quality of learning, with children from disadvantaged backgrounds being the main victims.

  • Newspaper

    Misappropriation of Syrian refugee grants



    Claude Assaf - L'Orient du jour

    The Financial Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation at the Ministry of Education regarding the education provided to Syrian refugee students funded by the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union, and Germany. The list of children enrolled for evening classes in the 346 State schools includes a far greater number of students than those who actually attend them. The amount missing is calculated by multiplying the number of 15,000 ghost students to the $600 that donors allocate each year for every registered student. $9 million disappears each year since 2014.

  • Newspaper

    Preschool special education in New York: How providers misspent $85M and fuelled an access crisis



    David Robinson - Iohud

    11 preschool owners and workers stole millions of tax dollars through a variety of schemes, using it to pay for everything from diamonds and Costco shopping to home renovations and a family wedding, state documents show. Child advocacy groups have warned of a preschool special education crisis in New York and signed a letter to the governor urging increases in the reimbursement rate earlier this year.

  • Video

    State audit for scholarship program fraud in Florida



    Action News Jax -

    Action News Jax Investigates has obtained an audit of Clay County School District operations completed by the Florida Auditor General. The 31-page report includes the district's direct responses to the state's findings and recommendations. 

  • OECD Reviews of integrity in education: Ukraine 2017

    Education in Ukraine is marked by integrity violations from early childhood education and care through postgraduate study. In the past decade policy makers and civic organisations have made progress in addressing these challenges. However, much...



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