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1-10 of 656 results

  • Newspaper

    China’s “most handsome” university president is the latest corruption crackdown target



    Zheping Huang - Quartz

    A Chinese university president was sentenced a lifetime in jail for taking bribes and embezzlement in a court in Southeast Jianxi Province on Tuesday, according to Xinhua. So far this year, 32 university officials have been accused of taking bribes or other. In November, eight school leaders, including the president of the elite Communication University of China in Beijing were removed from their jobs for corruption.

  • Newspaper

    179 professors indicted in research publishing scam

    Korea R


    Unsoo Jung - University World News

    In an unprecedented crackdown on academic misconduct, as many as 179 university professors from some 110 universities in South Korea were indicted on Monday after an extensive criminal investigation into a huge copyright scam. The professors have been charged with republishing existing textbooks written by others under their own names by modifying the covers with the alleged connivance of the publishing companies.

  • Newspaper

    In Paris, a business school was an illegal immigrant factory

    France, China


    Christophe Cornevin - Le Figaro

    One of the biggest Chinese illegal immigrant networks ever discovered in France was centred on a private business school based in the XVth arrondissement. This network made it possible to channel between 500 and 1000 Chinese immigrants into France annually, mostly young men between the ages of 20 and 25. Once in France, fake certificates attesting to their student status, report cards and diplomas allowed them to establish themselves permanently, without ever having to set foot in a classroom.

  • Newspaper

    Allegations of bribery, corruption and sex in universities

    Congo DR


    - University World News

    Allegations of corruption and immorality within the Congolese university community have been aired in a new book by a former education minister and current professor of languages at the University of Kinshasa. He proposed lowering student numbers to a controllable level to guarantee efficiency during examinations and academic deliberations.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption, extortion, war – Welcome to Ukraine



    Ararat L Osipian - University World News

    Ukraine has little to offer international students. The quality of education offered is low, there is endless red tape and corruption is rife. Over the past quarter century, the quality of education offered has dropped dramatically due not only to a lack of state funding and a consequent brain drain, but primarily to rampant endemic corruption. Failed structural reforms and institutional incapacity in higher education have left Ukrainian youth without any hope of receiving world-class education and have had a negative impact on international students as well.

  • Newspaper

    Students hire impersonators to sit in English exams

    Viet Nam



    With more universities and offices requiring English qualifications from graduates, students are turning to hiring other people to sit their English exams. The police in HCM City's Thu Duc District are investigating a case in which 34 students at the HCM City University of Agriculture and Forestry hired impersonators for their English exams. Last year, 10 impersonators were uncovered. Meanwhile, universities which require students take TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS tests as English graduation exams have received a number of fake certificates.

  • Newspaper

    A secure card instead of a diploma to fight against fraud



    Hugues Lefèvre - Le Figaro

    At the end of November, for the first time, 500 of INSA Toulouse most recent graduates received a secure card which attested to the authenticity of their engineering degree at their graduation ceremony. The aim of the operation is to fight against cheating and forgery. The cards given to the students are protected against forgery by a nanoparticle marker which is invisible to the naked eye.

  • Newspaper

    Bribery confession in China calls into question integrity of college admissions



    MICHAEL FORSYTHE - New York Times

    The recent confession to bribery by, the former admissions director for Renmin University, has called into question the integrity of the Chinese college admission system. The President has been mounting a campaign against corruption in China for more than three years, with higher education as one of the focal points. The ruling Communist Party’s antigraft agency has singled out 32 people working in higher education for investigations this year, with China’s education minister saying that corruption would not be tolerated in the education system.

  • Newspaper

    South Korea: the academic world shaken by massive plagiarism

    Korea R


    - Le

    In south Korea, a case of plagiarism has shaken the academic world. 200 professors from 50 different universities have been accused of appropriating books by other authors. Their technique to avoid discovery? These unscrupulous academics simply changed the original covers of the publications and added their own names. According to the Korea Herald, some of the alleged culprits are well known assistant professors.

  • Zambia education PER and PETS-QSDS at a glance

    Public Expenditure Review (PER) in Zambia addresses the efficiency and equity of the macro level policy framework, budget allocations, and budget execution for primary education, secondary education, technical education, higher education and...

    World Bank

    Washington, World Bank, 2015

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