Open government in education: clarifying concepts and mapping initiatives
Imprint : Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2020
Collation :
180 p.
Series : Ethics and corruption in education
Although the concept of open government (OG) is increasingly applied in public policy around the world, there is as yet no systematized overview of OG implementation in the education sector, its advantages, and the possible risks. In order to fill this gap, this book clarifies the conceptual confusion around the term ‘open government’ and provides a working definition for the education sector. It elaborates a theory of change for OG implementation in two different contexts: where corruption is an exception, and where corruption is the norm in governance. It then maps out and assesses the characteristics of 34 recent OG initiatives conducted in the educational field worldwide. The book highlights that in countries with occasional corruption, OG is mostly used to meet stakeholders’ education-related needs, but that in countries with systemic corruption, participatory initiatives often target the implementation or monitoring of a given policy. It concludes with some practical recommendations for IIEP’s new research on ‘Open Government in Education: Learning from Experience’, launched as part of its 2018–2021 Medium Term Strategy.
- Access to information, Open data, Accountability, Corruption, Educational management, Governance, Open Government, Transparency