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Access almost 1000 references to publications and academic articles about corruption in education

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  • Anticorruption strategy for DFID

    This DFID policy paper investigates the causes and effects of corruption on the development process and proposes a holistic global strategy for combating corruption involving action in a number of area. These include: supporting poorer states...

    UK. Dept for International Development

    Bergen, Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2002

  • Human rights and corruption

    Corruption is the cause and core of many human rights violations. Among countries, there is a generalised trend of systemic corruption coexisting with an institutionalised failure to respect human rights. The three countries where perceived...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Poverty and corruption

    The year 2007 marked a milestone in the fight against poverty and corruption. It represented the midway point on the road to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the ambitious global pledge to end extreme poverty by 2015. It also...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Corruption and human rights: making the connection

    What impact does corruption have on enjoyment of human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights? When can human rights principles and tools help to curb and prevent corruption? In recent years, governments, NGOs and international...

    International Council on Human Rights Policy, Transparency International

    Geneva, ICHRP, 2009

  • Open budgets, transform lives: the Open Budget Survey 2008

    The Open Budget Survey 2008, a comprehensive evaluation of budget transparency in 85 countries, finds that the state of budget transparency around the world is deplorable. This encourages inappropriate, wasteful, and corrupt spending and-because it...

    International Budget Partnership

    Washington, D.C., International Budget Partnership, 2008

  • Measuring change and results in voice and accountability work

    Citizens' capacity to express and exercise their views is a vital part of poverty reduction. States that can be held accountable for their actions are more likely to respond to the different needs and demands of the public. Citizen voice and...

    Holland, Jeremy, Thirkell, Allyson, Trepanier, Emmanuel, Earle, Lucy

    London, DFID, 2009

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