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Access almost 1000 references to publications and academic articles about corruption in education

1-10 of 71 results

  • GTZ code of conduct

    The GTZ code of conduct comprises rules on how to deal with conflicts of interest and to avoid corruption. The message it sends out is that rather than seeing corruption as a necessary evil or a by product of work processes, there must be a strong...

    German Agency for Technical Cooperation

    Eschborn, GTZ, 2001

  • Guidelines for the design and effective use of teacher codes of conduct

    These guidelines have been prepared to help countries successfully design a teacher code of conduct (or review an existing one) and put in place the appropriate mechanisms to ensure its proper dissemination, application, and monitoring at all levels...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2019

  • Teacher codes: learning from experience

    This book examines the differences between codes of conduct and codes of ethics, the purpose of these codes, how they are developed - including their rationale and content - and the various activities involved in their implementation. For a code of...

    Van Nuland, Shirley, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2009

  • Ethics in education: the role of teacher codes

    As for any profession, the education profession follows certain general standards of practice (either implicit or explicit), such as equality of treatment and fulfilment of duties. Problems of ethics in teacher behaviour include a number of...

    Van Nuland, Shirley, Khandelwal, B.P., Biswal, K., Dewan, E.A., Bajracharya, H.R.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

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