Good governance: the IMF's role
Organization : International Monetary Fund
Imprint : Washington, D.C., IMF, 1997
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The IMF has long provided advice and technical assistance that has helped to foster good governance, such as promoting public sector transparency and accountability. The Guidance Note reprinted in this pamphlet reflects the strong consensus among Executive Directors on the significance of good governance for economic efficiency and growth. It seeks to promote greater attention by the IMF to governance issues, in particular through: a more comprehensive treatment in the context of IMF-supported programs of those governance issues within the IMF's mandate and expertise; a more proactive approach in advocating policies and the development of institutions and administrative systems that eliminate the opportunity for bribery, corruption, and fraudulent activity in the management of public resources and; an evenhanded treatment of governance issues in all member countries.
- Corruption, Bribery, Fraud, Economic and social development, Educational management, Central administration, Governance, Public sector, Transparency