Fighting corruption in post-conflict and recovery situations: learning from the past

Author(s) : UNDP. Democratic Governance Group. Bureau for Development Policy

Organization : UNDP. Democratic Governance Group. Bureau for Development Policy

Imprint : New York, UNDP, 2010

Collation :

xvi-148 p.

Notes :

Incl. bibl.

Based on empirical research in 5 countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste), the "Fighting Corruption in Post Conflict and Recovery Situations: Learning from the Past" report explores the dynamics between corruption and post-conflict situations and looks at the effectiveness of anti-corruption programming in that context.


  • Anti-corruption strategies, Legal framework, Corruption, Development aid, Economic and social development, Educational management, Governance, Integrity, Social accountability, Transparency
  • Africa, Asia and the Pacific
    Afghanistan, Congo DR, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste