Corruption and anti-corruption strategies: issues and case studies from developing countries

Author(s) : Doig, Alan; Riley, Stephen

Organization : UNDP, OECD. Development Centre

Imprint : New York, UNDP, 1998

Collation :

45-62 p.

Notes :

In corruption and integrity improvement initiatives in developing countries by Kpundeh, Sahr and Hors, Irene

Patterns of corruption vary from society to society and over time. This is particularly the case when we consider the "South", the "Third World" or the developing countries. In order to understand the immense diversity of its origin, forms and effects across developing countries, we should examine the roles of both the internal 'stakeholder' in developing societies (such as politicians, business cliques and junior civil servants) as well as external actors (including western multinational companies and international financial insitutions). In addition, reform strategies should take account of widely differing economic, legal and political contexts. Effective anticorruption strategies need to be tailored to the social environment in which corruption occurs.

  • Anti-corruption strategies, Economic and social development